10 Simple Tips: How to Make Your Own Garden This Spring Season?
Spring season has just started and you will see flowers blooming everywhere; greenery and the colourful flowers give pleasure to us and therefore it is said that spring brings the message of happiness and joy for everyone. Well if you really love plants and greenery then how about making your own garden full of your favourite plants? Well if you have an empty space available then utilizing this space for growing fresh vegetables, fruits and flowers will be a good idea. What should I do if there is no space available in front of my home; well that’s not a big issue, you can still grow some plants in the pots and keep them in an empty room, on your terrace or may be a pot near your kitchen window; though it won’t give you the real feeling of the garden but it will give you pleasure (well it was just an alternative if you don’t have a space and still want to brew your gardening interest; it is not mandatory).
It’s totally up to you; whether you want to make a beautiful row of flowers or want some organic vegetables and fruits; just revamp your backyard by growing the plants. Not only it will enhance the look of the front or the backyard; plus you will find a place to enjoy your breakfast or tea with your family, small parties or sometimes the summer dinners at your garden.
So just get started as below are the 10 great ideas to plan, plant and organize your own garden.
Spring flower perennials
Visit your nearest nursery, and buy some spring flower perennials that are just budding and plant them in different garden beds. The horticultural workers will suggest you some names of the good spring flower perennials if you ask them. Bleeding heart and Foxglove could be the good options for giving an attractive look to your garden.
Use a big flower container
If you have a large space available then place some big containers having the colourful flowers such as the primroses, daffodils, tulips and lavender. Placing it near the entrance door will welcome your guests warmly. Buy these big pots directly from the nursery or you can also customize them in the way you want. You can make the changes in this arrangement whenever you want to.
A low-water alternative
If you live in warm areas; then grow some plants that do not need much water. Change the turf with the low water alternative; maybe silver carpet or any other.
Plant colourful blooming flowers
Spice up the borders of the garden by planting some vivid and beautiful flowers; that are not the spring flowers along the tubers and corms. These will not only add the colour but also they won’t fade away like the other spring flowers so isn’t it a good idea?
Reserve an area for edibles
You can also reserve some plots for growing the vegetables and fruits of your choice. Pick up the fresh vegetables and fruits just from your garden and enjoy them. Sow the seeds of your favourite vegetables and fruits in the garden beds and make it sure that it receives sunlight for about 4 to 6 hours. Water them properly and add some organic or homemade fertilizers to these for the effective growth.
Make a shelter with the old furniture in your garden
Use the old furniture like the old bench to create a sitting place with a shelter. Place it on the side; use an old blanket for covering it and use some cushions to give it a cosy look. Create a shelter over it or just select a place having a shade already. Place one or two chairs and keep some small bottles or pots having the plants.
Keep an area reserve for placing your garden tools
If you are making a garden then it means that you will need some gardening tools also; reserve a small area for placing your gardening tools; select an area that is easily accessible; organize your tools so that you may get them whenever you want.
Don’t forget to clean the weeds
If you want an organic garden, then, make it sure that it is free from the weeds. Have a look on the daily basis and clear the area where you see the weeds. This will be good for the growth of your plants as it will not allow them to absorb all the nutrients that you provide for the plants.
Consider the sidewalk planting
Plant the shrubs or the small leafy plants on sides of the walkway. Plant them in the form of the strips between the fence and the sidewalks. It will make your sideways look good.
Make the plot selection wisely
There are many plants that need protection from strong wind and sun. They don’t grow well if their leaves are burned by the scorching heat of the sun, or if they are affected by the wind. So it is your duty to make the plot selection wisely. You can also use the fencing panels or use a hedge at the side of the plot so that the plants will be saved from the wind and gust. This will allow the delicate plants to survive; you can also go for the other cheap options like using straw bales. read this article for how to make your home clean by doing less?
These were some suggestions for you if you want to make your own garden; use your creative ideas to add a special touch to your garden. All you need is to spot a good place where you can easily make your own garden. It’s the spring season and it is actually the right time to add colours to your garden. Once you have made it; don’t forget to water your plants regularly; use different organic homemade fertilizers like the waste from the kitchen will provide your plants with the effective nutrients. Have a happy spring season!
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