How to Get and Maintain Healthy Hair

Everyone wants healthy, supple, lustrous hair, whether it’s short and spiky, framing your face, or Rapunzel-length locks. However, healthy hair does not appear by chance. Here are 7 strategies for achieving and maintaining healthy hair, even if your hair is damaged to begin with.

  1. Understand Your Hair

There are several opinions on how regularly you should shampoo your hair. It all comes down to individual preferences and needs, which are governed by the following factors:

  • your hair’s texture and type
  • how frequently you use hair products
  • your level of activity

People with oily hair, for example, may require daily shampooing, whilst people with dry hair may require less frequent shampooing.

  • Wash Your Hair Less Frequently

Shampooing removes dirt and oils from your hair, but over-shampooing can take natural oils from your hair and scalp. Furthermore, shampoo that isn’t completely washed out can leave your hair looking dull and lifeless.

  • It’s All About Zinc

A zinc shortage can result in hair loss. Include nuts like Brazil nuts, walnuts, pecans, cashews, and almonds in your diet to help you lose weight.

Consume copious amounts of:

  • salads of veggies, fruits, and leafy greens
  • plenty of filtered, pure water
  • Trim Your Hair on A Regular Basis

Split ends in your hair should be removed every 6-8 weeks. Split ends develop when the hair is damaged by elements such as heat styling, pollution, smoking, stress, and others. Hair does not grow faster when it is trimmed.

  • Apply Conditioner Correctly

Conditioner should be applied to the center and ends of your hair before working your way back toward your scalp. Your hair requires hydration further away from the scalp, yet your scalp can also become dry. If your scalp is itchy or flaky, pay special attention to moisturizing it.

Also, make sure to use the appropriate conditioner for your hair type: thick curls require a different type of hydration than straight or thin hair.

  • Natural Hair Drying

We are aware. Blow drying your hair makes it look like it belongs to your on-screen idol. Overheating your hair, on the other hand, might cause scalp damage. If you must dress up, save it for special occasions. Air drying or towel drying is the best option after shampooing. Never comb or sleep with wet hair. Rubbing your hair with a towel too hard may cause cuticle damage. Be kind with yourself.  

  • Take Care of Your Hair as You Sleep

Pull long hair back into a loose braid or wear a sleep hat. Replace your cotton or microfiber pillowcase with a silk or silk-alternative pillowcase. The smoother fabric may aid in preventing or reducing tangling while sleeping.

Finishing Up

So, by using chemical-free products intended for your individual hair type, eating healthily, avoiding heat styling, and adhering to all of the above recommendations, you can say goodbye to bad hair days! Most importantly, consult your doctor if you are experiencing serious hair loss and damage while adhering to a good hair care regimen. And, whether you do or don’t have hair, you should still celebrate yourself.

Author’s Bio

Mark Berry is a paralegal and lifestyle blogger who concentrates on playwriting, tips and hacks for skin and hairs, travel, marketing strategies, Filling Bankruptcy, real estate, and self-development & social dealing. He loves exploring new places and sharing life experiences with the audience. He encourages readers to overcome obstacles holding them back and live their best life.

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