What are the Medical Benefits of Circumcision?
A walnut-sized gland that lies below the bladder and surrounds the urethra. It produces fluid that helps to keep sperm healthy and moving through the male reproductive system. Prostate cancer can develop from any part of the prostate gland. Most prostate What are the medical advantages of circumcising baby boys? However, before getting into the medical advantages of circumcision, let’s understand why it is practised.
What is Circumcision and Why It is Practiced?
Circumcision is a surgical procedure performed on newborn males to remove the foreskin covering the glans penis (head). The procedure is usually done within days after birth.
Circumcision has been practised since ancient times. There are several reasons why parents choose to circumcise their sons. Some believe that it reduces the risk of urinary tract infections, penile cancer, sexually transmitted diseases, and HIV/AIDS. Others say that it protects against masturbation and sexual abuse. Still, others think that it prevents penile adhesions and improves hygiene.
What are the Health Benefits of Circumcision?
The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends routine neonatal male circumcision for health benefits. However, some doctors recommend circumcision only if there are complications such as phimosis, balanitis, or an infection in the area. Therefore it is important to consult with surgeons and if you are in London then consult with a circumcision pro. Circumcised men have less chance of getting certain cancers than uncircumcised men. These include:
Penile Cancer
Cancer of the penis (Cancer of the head of the penis) is rare cancer that accounts for about 1% of all penile cancers. It can occur in men at any age, but most cases are diagnosed between 40 and 60.
The standard treatment for locally advanced penile cancer is surgery followed by radiation therapy. For more information, see Cancer of the penis.
Prostate Cancer
Prostate cancer (prostate cancer) is the most frequently diagnosed malignancy and a leading cause of cancer-related death in men. In 2021, an estimated 248K new cases were diagnosed worldwide. The incidence rates vary widely among countries, with high rates observed in North America, Europe, Australia/New Zealand, Northern Africa, Middle East, Central Asia, South-Central Asia, Eastern Mediterranean, Western Pacific, Southern Latin America, and India.
Bladder Cancer
Bladder cancer (bladder cancer) is the fifth most common malignancy in men and women, with an estimated 83 730 new cases and 17 200 deaths from bladder cancer in 2021. The majority of patients present with the superficial disease at initial diagnosis.
Cervical Cancer
Cervical cancer (cervical cancer) is the second most common malignancy in women worldwide. Human papillomavirus (HPV) infection plays a key role in cervical carcinogenesis, and HPV genotypes 16/18 are considered high-risk types. In addition to HPV infection, other factors such as smoking, alcohol consumption, and diet also contribute to the development of cervical cancer.
The incidence of cervical cancer has decreased significantly over the past decades due to widespread screening programs for early detection.
Reduce UTI’s
Reduced likelihood of urinary tract infections. The risk of developing urinary tract infections for males is not high, however, the incidence of these infections is higher among men who are not circumcised. Early-onset infections that are severe may lead to kidney issues later on.
Promotes Hygiene
Circumcision allows you to clean the penis. However, those who have uncircumcised penises may be taught to clean their penises regularly under the skin of their forearms.
Lower the chances of getting STDs
Lower risk of contracting sexually transmitted diseases. The circumcised male may be less likely to contract some sexually transmitted infections which include HIV. Still, safe sexual practices remain essential.
Fewer Medical Conditions
A study that was released in Mayo Clinic Proceedings found that half of the men who have not been circumcised develop a medical issue caused by their skin over their entire life. The study concluded that the advantages of circumcision outweigh the risk of the procedure from 100 to 1.
Low Infection Rate
Lower Risk of Infection. Numerous studies have shown that uncircumcised boys are much more likely to develop UTIs than boys who are circumcised. According to a study from 2012 released in Canadian Medical Association Journal, the risk of contracting infection was around 88 percent lower among circumcised boys.
The procedure has had a reputation for controversy, many parents questioning the benefits of it and dreading the risk of complications. In 2012 an investigation by the American Academy of Pediatrics found that the health benefits of infant circumcision for males outweigh the risks. So circumcision is beneficial with many medical backed advantages.
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